
蒙古國立大學The National University of Mongolia(NMU)工程與應用科學學院Prof. BAATARBILEG N院長率該院5位系主任及其他外賓一行8人於106年1月16日蒞校訪問,由戴萬欽國際事務副校長主持簡報及座談,下午由院長陪同參觀機器人中心及風工程研究中心,並與本院相關各系分組座談,會談交流兩校共同合作議題,晚上院長設宴在福格大飯店招待貴賓。來訪貴賓名單如下:
1. Prof. BAATARBILEG N, Dean of the School
2. Prof. ENKHBAYAR P, Vice Dean for Science and International Relation
3. Prof. BYAMBAJAV D, Head of Registrar office
4. Prof. BARSBOLD B, Head of Department of Applied Mathematics
5. Prof. GANBAT B, Head of Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
6. Prof. KHASBAATAR D, Head of Department of Chemical-Biological Engineering
7. Prof. OYUN-ERDENE N, Head of Department of Information and Computer Sciences
8. Prof. OYUNSANAA B, Head of Department of Environment and Forest Engineering
